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游学英伦学生作品:A Trip to Science Center of Bristol(布里

游学英伦学生作品:A Trip to Science Center of Bristol(布里斯托科技馆小游)

Today, besides going to school to study more about English grammar,we also had a short visit to the science center of Bristol in the afternoon.


I can touch and feel everything there, which is very different from China. Something is very funny for example, the following picture is "Air Cannon" in English, and it is very interesting. You can hit this instrument like a drum and the air is very strong and has enough energy to blow the cards on that wall.But you must be very strong to use it, while unfortunately I couldn’t.


And I saw some human organs, such as a brain ,skeletons and other organs.


There is a very magical machine which can detect your body heat into a 3D colorful thermal imaging picture.

这的确是一个神奇的机器,站在机器前面你可以看到自己的3D 影像。

The weather here is very good. I heard from my teacher that the weather changes a lot. It is often windy in March, while warm in April and May, and sometimes it rains. It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines everyday, it's often warm and cool in September and October, but it's always cold any rainy in November. It's very cold in December, January and February. It rains about once or twice a week. I like spring and summer here because the days are long and the nights are short, the sun rises early and sets late. English climate is not very good, but certainly interesting, which English people like to talk about a lot. So, today the weather is very sunny and cool, like this picture (the man is my teacher and is called Rich.)

今天的天气很好,老师和我们讲,这里的天气变化多端。三月份的时候多风,然而四、五月温暖,有时候也会下雨;六、七、八月是比较炎热的,而且几乎每天都是晴朗的,九、十月比较宜人,而到了十一月以后,就会持续寒冷并且每周都会下雨,一直持续到三月。我喜欢这里的春天,白天长黑夜短。英国天气虽然很无常,但是不是很有意思?这也就使得天气成为人们见面的必谈话题。今天的天气很棒,看下面的照片,我们的英语老师Rich 是不是很帅!

This is the University of Bristol. It is different from Chinese universities. It is more beautiful than them.


These are my classmates in the International House and I took some photos with them. Here is their photos. (Personally, I think all of them are crazy!)这些是和我一起参加语法培训的同学与我的合影。这里是合影的照片,与他们在一起我也感觉非常开心。

I like the school rules,we usually finish school at 4:00pm and we must arrive at school at 9:00 in the morning. In that way I have lots of free time to do what I love to do and I can write more passages like this.


By Zhou Jiayu Proof by Chen Fang


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