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游学英伦学生作品:衡实冬令营之感悟英伦——My Great British S

游学英伦学生作品:衡实冬令营之感悟英伦——My Great British Sunday at home stay

第一缕阳光透过乌云射入窗中,在英格兰我们迎来了第一个Sunshine day。英格兰的初春十分怡人,清晨,我早早的起床来感受这异国恬淡清爽的晨光。我们居住在Brisitol,一个古老的港口城市,咸咸的海风吹过,使这座城市古老而又不失活力,来到这里我也变得精神焕发。用过简单的英式早餐后,Host family的女主人Keren邀请我们一同去walk the dogs,我们怀着对异乡风土的兴奋愉快答应了.Keren与我们一同驾车前往当地最著名的公园Westbury Park。一路上我们看到绿油油的大草坪上许许多多的树木,人与自然和谐相处,Bristol不愧是Green capital of Europe。

I enjoyed my the first sunny day here in England. It was the first bright day since I came here. England looked lovely this morning. I woke up early to see the beautiful and fresh day. We stayed in Bristol which is a ancient harbour city of Britain. The breeze from the sea makes the city feel energetic and it refreshes me. After a full English breakfast, my home stay mum, Keren, invited us to walk the dog with them; we agreed happily and felt excited to explore. Keren drove us to a famous local park - Westbury Park. We enjoyed the beautiful green trees on the way and felt the harmonious relationship of human and nature. Bristol is definitely the Green capital of Europe。

穿过著名的大吊桥,我们来到了一片小树林,这里就是我们的目的地。我们协助把小狗从车上抱下,一起漫步在英格兰的清晨中。一路上狗儿欢乐的叫声与我们的嬉笑交织成了一首愉悦的乐曲。步行途中我们与Keren谈论了许多,关于中国的雾霾,英国人的生活习惯,中国人的爱好。不一会临近中午,我们恋恋不舍的回到了家中。下午我们走访了Brisitol的大街小巷,感受了这里独特的文化与风情。晚上回到家,Keren热情洋溢地为我们准备了traditional English dinner,看起来就十分诱人。

We arrived our destination, a small woodland, after driving over the Suspension Bridge. We helped Keren to take the dog out of the car. Walking in the fresh, green woodland, with the barking dog and the singing birds, we talked a lot, about the smog in China, the lifestyles of British people and the hobbies of Chinese people. The time went very quickly and we went home, somewhat unwillingly. We walked every single road in Bristol in the afternoon, so we feel like we know the city more. Keren prepared a traditional English dinner for us in the evening. It was really delicious.


When the last cloud in the sky disappeared, I fell fast asleep curious to explore lots of amazing things. This is my first week at the home stay in England, far away from home but I am feeling very welcomed and comfortable.

作者:胡彦飞 指导教师:陈芳


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