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Bristol River衡实师生合影


Yunnan Hengshui Experimental School ,the branch school of Hengshui High School, succeeds and practices Hengshui High School’s spirits, bearing the concept of letting the school be a passionate study paradise and supplying memorable lifelong education. Hengshui Experimental School persists in the principle of being an prestigious international school, and always strives for cooperating with abroad schools to enlarge the horizon of both teachers and students,raising the awareness of international vision to train responsible men for profession with Chinese heart, world eye and modern brain.

2月12日晚,我校副校长徐汝争、Ivy Chen、Lyn Liu等一行历经25小时全白天飞行顺利率队抵达英国古港口老镇——Bristol(布里斯托),众人虽然疲惫却按捺不住内心的激动,正如英国的冬天虽寒冷却不失湿润。友好学校的师生及home stay(寄宿家庭)的父母们早已在学校门口迎接,同学们用蹩脚的英语甚至单个单词腼腆的进行沟通,英国师生们则用尽肢体语言的智慧积极与同学们交流。

Vice Principal Xu, Deputy Director Ivy and Lyn accompanied21 students experiencing 25- hour- daylight flying arrived in Bristol on the night of 12th in Feb. All were tired but excited,just like the cold but humid British weather . The staff in the partner school have been waiting there with the home stay families. Our students actively communicated with them in broken English even phrases by the help of body language.


第二天上午九点钟,学生们陆续来到学校。积极地讨论着各自在住宿家庭的非凡体验及上学路上的各种趣事。9:30是常规的入学测试,分为Speaking Text(口语测试)和Writing Text(书面测试)两部分,随即开启了全英体验式课堂,将近12点半才在学生的欢笑和不舍中结束。

Students came to school for the 2-hour enrollment test, which includes a Speaking Text and a Writing Text,then they enjoyed one class given by Charlie and Peter(the Principle of IH). Over lunch time all of the students shared their remarkable experiences of living in the Home Stay.

布里斯托最出名的Banksy Artwork(匿名涂鸦)

午餐后1:30左右,语法教师 Charlie带领衡实的师生徒步Bristol。作为海港城市的布里斯托是一座有着悠久历史的城市。每一座建筑物,每一条石头路,每一颗古树都在这里见证着历史,讲述着自己的故事。走出学校,来到Triangle(三角区),Bristol的商业区之一,面对着主街道,背对着布里斯托大学的艺术系和音乐系,顺着主街往里走,我们参观了市长出资建造的教堂;欣赏了大街小巷的涂鸦文化;走过布里斯托第二大桥,在缅怀水手的长椅子上合影;穿过了水手常光顾的酒吧街,并找到了《金银岛》作者常去的酒吧;瞻仰了维多利亚女王的雕像;还去了曾是港口交易中心的古建筑群.......短短数小时,仿佛游梭于布里斯托百年的时光中,时而古典,时而现代,时而英伦,学生们一直没有放下手中的相机,充满好奇的眼睛在四处定焦,尤其是Open Market(市场)里的美味.......

After lunch, Charlie led as the tour guide to visit Bristol with the students. Bristol was a starting place for early voyages of exploration to the New World,now it was ranked as Britain's most-sustainable city. We hiked through the Clifton Triangle ,one of the shopping area of Bristol. We also took pictures in front of the University of Bristol, one of the city’s two universities, the other is the University of the West of England. We also hand-felt the Two of the four Nails (bronze tables used for conducting business) in Corn Street.We saw the Site of the former Bristol Industrial Museum far away.After that we were amazed by many Banksy artworks in the city, which have been stained with blue paint.We had a really closer look at The Llandoger Trow, a historic Bristol pub.


布里斯托最出名的Banksy Artwork(匿名涂鸦)




Time flies quickly when you are happy. We circled back to IH,and all the students took bus home separately. All of them posted their dinner and pleasing time in the home stay after lunch ,while looking forward to the trip to Oxford tomorrow.


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