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5月30日晚 6:30 昆明呈贡区新南亚豪生大酒店

报名预领门票电话:64621123 157-5200-0849或点击文末链接在线报名


1.波士顿大学 41

2.德雷赛尔大学 工程类56

3.西北大学 12

4.范德堡大学 23

5.密歇根大学 29

6.南加利福尼亚大学 52

7.华盛顿大学 15


Boston University 波士顿大学



Boston University is a private teaching and research university ranked #32 in the world and in the top 4% of all colleges and universities in the US. In recognition of the quality of its research and undergraduate education, BU has been named to the Association of American Universities, a prestigious association of top research universities. BU is the number one destination for international students in the city of Boston, offering more than 250 programs of study taught by world-renowned faculty including Fulbright Scholars, MacArthur Fellows, and Nobel Prize winners. Students benefit from research and internship opportunities in the US and abroad and a network of more than 300,000 alumni in 189 countries around the world.

Drexel University 德雷塞尔大学





Drexel is a comprehensive global research university ranked among the top 100 in the nation. With approximately 25,000 students, Drexel is one of America's 15 largest private universities.

Since 1891, Drexel has built its global reputation on leadership in experiential learning through cooperative education, academic technology firsts, and use-inspired research. Cooperative education allows students to explore careers, gaining up to 18 months of professional work experience before graduation.

Drexel is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the fifth largest city in the United States. With a strong foundation in Philadelphia, Drexel has connections with Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and more.

Northwestern University 西北大学


美国西北大学是一所致力于本科教育的研究型院校,学生来自全球75个国家。学校在文理、工程、商业、交流、音乐、教育和社会政策方面拥有超过100个主修专业、辅修专业、证书项目,是凯洛格商学院和费因伯格医学院的所在院校。学校灵活的学期制度允许学生在学习之余参加各种实习、研究等实践项目。此外,学校为学生提供了丰富多彩的课外活动,学生可以选择参加450多个艺术、公众参与、媒体和学院体育联盟等学生组织。学校坐落在伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿这座古老的大学城中,距离芝加哥市中心只有很短的火车车程。西北大学为学生提供了学习、实践和体验芝加哥生活的理想环境。在《美国新闻与世界报道》发布的美国大学排名中,西北大学目前排名第12 位。

Northwestern University is a research institution focused on undergraduate education with a student body representing over 75 countries around the world. The university features over 100 majors, minors, and certificate programs in the arts and sciences, engineering, business, communication, music, education and social policy. It is home to the Kellogg School of Management and the Feinberg School of Medicine. The flexible quarter system allows students to participate in internships, research, and programs combining work and study. Extra-curricular opportunities include over 450 student organizations in areas such as the arts, civic engagement, media, and Division 1 athletics. Located in Evanston, Illinois, a classic college town just a short train ride from downtown Chicago, Northwestern provides students with an ideal setting to learn, apply knowledge, and incorporate the greater Chicago community in their college experience. In the US News and World Report national rankings, Northwestern is currently ranked 12th.

University of Michigan密歇根大学



The University of Michigan is one of the great public research universities of the U.S., located in vibrant Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since 1817, U-M has been a global model of a diverse, comprehensive academic institution - one of the top 25 universities in the world. Nineteen schools and colleges offer 250 undergraduate degree programs, and graduate and professional education. Students study the liberal arts and the sciences in a spirited, cross-disciplinary environment that encourages inquiry in the classroom and in undergraduate research, with a 15:1 student/faculty ratio. More than 564,000 living alumni infuse the U-M ethos and traditions around the globe.

University of Southern California南加州大学



Since its founding in 1880, USC has grown into a top-tier private research institution, offering students a global perspective and learning opportunities unmatched anywhere else. USC enrolls one of the most diverse undergraduate populations in the U.S., encourages students to pursue their interests across disparate fields of study, and nurtures a culture of community service. USC’s location in the heart of Los Angeles provides access to a wide array of opportunities for cultural and professional development outside the classroom. The Trojan Family – an alumni network now more than 300,000 strong – supports each other, lifelong and worldwide.

University of Washington 华盛顿大学


华盛顿大学是世界著名的公立大学之一。我们对个人、地区以及世界都具有深远的影响 – 无论是我们输送年轻人进入无尽的未来或者以顽强的研究和学识面对我们这一时代的巨大挑战,学校在上海交通大学编写的2015年世界大学排名中位列第十,每年培养学生人数超过54,000名。我们将想法转变成影响力,从而改变生活和我们的世界。


The University of Washington is one of the world’s preeminent public universities. Their impact on individuals, on their region, and on the world is profound — whether they are launching young people into a boundless future or confronting the grand challenges of our time through undaunted research and scholarship. Ranked No. 10 in the world in Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s 2015 rankings, the UW educates more than 54,000 students annually. They turn ideas into impact and transform lives and our world.

So what defines their students, faculty and community members? Above all, it’s a belief in possibility and unshakable optimism. It’s a connection to others near and far. It’s a hunger that pushes them to tackle challenges and pursue progress. It’s the conviction that together they can create a world of good. Join them on the journey.

Vanderbilt University范德堡大学


范德堡大学位于田纳西州纳什维尔市区,以其最高的学术严谨性和生机勃勃的校园生活吸引着来自世界各地的优秀学生,在《美国新闻与世界报告》中始终排名前20。美丽的校园总占地330 英亩,设有四个本科学院和六个研究生专业。大一学生住在玛莎河英格拉姆社区,这是一个集生活学习为一体的居民区,促进了教师与学生间的互动。第一年后,范德堡大学通过在教室、实验室、实习以及寄宿制大学间的合作和支持性学习来继续生活学习一体化的体验。本科学生经常参加学术研究,学生- 教师比例为8:1。在范德堡,学生可以很畅通的与老师交流。学校有学生可以参加的组织活动超过510 个,并且学生们都热衷于支持学校的运动队。

The combination of the highest academic rigor, a vibrant campus life, and an urban location in Nashville, Tennessee, attracts exceptionally talented students from around the world, consistently earning Vanderbilt University a top-20 ranking from U.S. News & World Report. The university includes four undergraduate schools and six graduate programs situated on a beautiful 330-acre campus. First-year students live at The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, a living-learning residential community that fosters ongoing faculty-student interactions. Following the first year, Vanderbilt continues the living-learning experience through collaborative and supportive learning in classrooms, labs, internships, and in residential colleges. Many undergraduates participate in academic research, and with an 8:1 student-faculty ratio, Vanderbilt affords easy access to faculty. Students are involved in over 510 organizations, and support for the school’s athletic teams is keen.



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